We exist to be a faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus.

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Our Pastor

Ministry Background

There's only one perfect Pastor, and his name is Jesus. Rev. Jeremy McKeen joyfully serves as an under-shepherd of Christ. Jeremy has been in ordained full-time gospel ministry for over 15 years. He and his wife Lindsay were both raised in Christian homes. Lindsay grew up in West Palm Beach, FL and Jeremy grew up in Barrington, just outside of Portsmouth, NH. They've been married for 18 years and have two wonderful children (Hannah, 14 and Ezra, 10).

After completing his MDiv at Knox Theological Seminary in FL, in 2009, with the help of many gospel partners and gifted friends, they planted Truth Point Church (PCA) in West Palm Beach, FL. That church is still going strong under the leadership of its second Lead Pastor. They also sent out a daughter church (New Song Fellowship) in the same city. During that time, Jeremy's sermons were broadcast on Moody Radio, and in 2020, Christianity Today asked Jeremy to write The Model Sermon: Principles of Preaching from the Book of Hebrews.

In 2020, Jeremy began serving at the Senior Pastor of The First Congregational Church of Hamilton, MA. By God’s grace, they navigated the challenges of COVID-19 and saw the church revitalized with new converts and their largest membership class in over 20 years. It was a joy for the McKeens to serve with such wonderful leaders and laypeople. God graciously used those three years of ministry in Hamilton to confirm the McKeen's call to this area while also reclarifying Jeremy's gifts as a church planter and giving them a long-term vision and burden to reach the people of Portsmouth, NH.

On October 21, 2023, the Northern New England Presbytery of the PCA called Jeremy to start a mission church in the Portsmouth area. And on February 3, 2024, Jeremy was installed as the Planting Pastor of Gospel City Fellowship.

Follow Us

Gospel City Fellowship is a developing mission church of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). We're in the beginning stages of cultivating a reformed community in the city of Portsmouth, NH that is Gospel-centered, City-positive, and Fellowship-focused.


We exist to be a faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus by joyfully serving the Lord, each other, our community, and the world.

Contact Us

  • 561-762-7715

  • 75 Congress St, Suite 214, Portsmouth, NH

  • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Copyright. © 2023. Gospel City Fellowship (PCA). All rights reserved.